Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reasons for Upper Right Back Pain

It seems that when your back hurts, your entire body is out of synch, affecting all of your daily activities and weighing down your enjoyment of life. There are many types of back pain, and pinpointing the location and cause of the pain will be a key factor in finding affective treatment.

For example, a person suffering from upper right back pain may have a much greater chance of finding the precise source of the pain so treatment can be chosen for best results. There are many reasons why upper right back pain might occur, and the cause will affect which back back treatment will be most effective.

Doctor First

Because upper right back pain could be a symptom of a more serious problem, it is a good idea to see your doctor first to get a diagnosis for the pain. In some cases, discomfort in this area might signify gallstones or another medical condition.

Once your doctor has ruled out other causes for your upper right back pain, he may also be able to recommend a course of action that will help you find relief. This might include treatment of a specific injury that is causing the pain or physical therapy and exercise that can strengthen muscles and improve posture to bring relief from the chronic discomfort.

Injury Possibilities

When the back is not conditioned, sudden motions like twisting, bending or lifting can cause upper right back pain. If the pain is the result of injured ligaments, tissue or muscles, the discomfort may be relieved through a combination of an anti-inflammatory medication and ice and heat therapy.

Most doctors will recommend a patient begins with ice packs for a day or two, applying the packs for 20 minutes at a time, multiple times a day. Once the ice has done its job, the patient can switch to applying heat to the upper right back pain, which will relax the surrounding muscles and provide additional pain relief.

Repetitive Motions

Working at a computer all day or other types of repetitive motions can also contribute to upper right back pain. In these situations, the individual may need to commit to physical therapy or workouts to strengthen the area over the long term to see the best results.

Physical therapists, chiropractors or personal trainers can advise a person as to the best exercises to provide upper right back pain relief. Some people with this condition will also seek help from a massage therapist who can relieve upper back muscle pain and a chiropractor who can provide treatment that will realign the spine and relieve discomfort.

Upper right back pain is worth a trip to the doctor for a diagnosis, to rule out any more serious causes. Once a diagnosis is made, an individual has a number of choices for treating upper right back pain that can bring relief and a more enjoyable quality of life.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pinpointing an Upper Back Pain Cause

Upper back pain is an uncomfortable condition that affects many Americans today. There are a number of back pain treatment options available, and many find that a combination of these treatments is the most effective path to success. However, it can be helpful to pinpoint an upper back pain cause before beginning treatment, since the choice of remedies may fluctuate slightly depending on the reason that the pain is occurring.

For example, injuries may require some rest and ice therapy, while poor posture may best be remedied through exercises to strengthen back muscles and improve posture overall. There are a number of possibilities in an upper back pain cause and just as many treatments to take care of the problem.


A common upper back pain cause is injury to the area, which might be the result of improper lifting, sudden twisting or an accident, such as a car crash. This may be particularly true if the individual is experiencing upper right back pain or pain that is limited to the left side of the back.

The best treatment might begin with a course of ice packs placed on the area for twenty minutes at a time, every four hours. After a day or two, moist heat can be used to relax the muscles and provide additional pain relief. When this therapy is combined with an over the counter medication, back pain can often be relieved until the injury heals completely.

Poor Posture

Slouching or poor posture is another common upper back pain cause that can often be effectively treated through exercises to strengthen the muscles and help the individual stand and sit straighter. A chiropractor, physical therapist or personal trainer might be the best person to help an individual develop a workout program for this purpose.

When the upper back pain cause is posture, it may take a bit longer to see relief from the symptoms. However, an ongoing workout program will probably bring long term relief as long as the exercise continues. A person can also seek alternative treatment options like massage, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments that will bring relief until the muscles are strong enough to go it alone.

Desk Jobs

If you sit in front of a computer for most of your waking hours, your upper back pain cause may be directly related to your line of work. Stretching exercises during the day can help relieve this type of upper back pain, by working out stiff muscles and providing them with much needed rest periodically. Ergonomic office furniture can also help relieve this upper back pain cause.

By pinpointing an upper back pain cause, an individual is better equipped to seek treatment for their specific need. If your back is hurting, talk to your doctor about a possible upper back pain cause and your options for treating the discomfort.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Treatment Options for Upper Back Pain

When many people think of pain in the back, the lower area of the spine often comes to mind. However, upper back pain that originates between the neck and lower back region can also get in the way of daily activities.

There are many possible upper back pain causes, including injury, poor posture and lifting heavy objects. Sitting in front of a computer screen for long periods of time can also cause discomfort in the upper back, shoulders and neck. The good news is that there are treatment options for upper back pain that can lessen the discomfort and get you back into your regular activities.

Heat and Ice

If your upper back pain is caused by an injury, such as improper lifting or overexertion during a workout, ice and heat can help relieve the inflammation and discomfort. It is best to use ice on the problem area for a few days directly after the injury, switching to moist heat to relax the muscles and provide additional pain relief.

Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time every six hours or so for the first two or three days. Your ice pack can consist of a bag of ice cubes or even a package of frozen peas wrapped in a towel if you don't own an ice pack. Once the ice has done its job, switch to heat with a hot pack wrapped in a towel to prevent burning the skin.


In many cases, upper back pain can be effectively treated with over the counter pain relievers, especially when combined with ice and heat therapy. An anti-inflammatory agent may be the best choice, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. Talk to your doctor about which medication might be the best choice for you, since these substances are not safe for everyone.

You can use medication for a day or two, following the dosing instructions on the package. If over the counter medications do not provide adequate relief for you upper back pain, you can talk to your doctor about prescription options that can be used over the short term.


Once the initial injury is healed, exercises can strengthen the muscles in the back to prevent upper back pain from returning. There are stretching exercises that will keep the surrounding muscles loose and flexible and strength training to condition the muscles so they are less prone to injury.

Your doctor, physical therapist or a personal trainer can help you determine the best workout program to treat upper back pain and keep it from returning. It is important to stick with the program even after the pain is gone, to keep the area conditioned and strong so it does not become injured again.

Upper back pain can be an uncomfortable condition that prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest. If upper back pain has got you down, talk to your doctor about treatment options available.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lower The Boom On Lower Back Muscle Pain

One of the most excruciating conditions than a person can experience is lower back muscle pain. This extreme discomfort is due to the fact that when the muscles of the lower back are weak or have been traumatized or have been strained their effectiveness in supporting the upper part of the body is compromised.

Therefore, because the lower back supports so much of the upper body's movements, any time an individual tries to carry on normal activity they are painfully aware of lower back muscle pain. Usually, this lower back muscle pain is characterized by a dull, deep aching or burning pain.

Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent lower back muscle pain.

How To Avoid Lower Back Muscle Pain

It is often been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure. Therefore it’s important to know how to prevent lower back muscle pain from occurring.

Specifically, one of the best ways to prevent lower back muscle pain and upper back pain is to exercise this part of the muscular system on a regular basis. This can be done in a number of ways. One of the best ways of increasing the strength of this area is through exercise. This can be accomplished by performing simple calisthenics or by being involved in weight lifting program that incorporates lower back strengthening exercises.

In addition, there are many ligaments and tendons that are part of the muscular and skeletal system. Therefore, it is important that these particular parts of the body are kept strong as well. To accomplish this it is also important to incorporate good stretching exercises as well as eating the proper nutrients.

One such stretching exercise that can be utilized is a simple bending forward of the upper body when one first awakes in the morning. This stretching exercise is accomplished by bending the upper body forward towards the floor and then returning the body to its upright position.

When it comes to strengthening and maintaining the health of ligaments and tendons through nutrition, the nutrient that effectively accomplishes this goal is the eating of glucosamine. Additionally, glucosamine can be found in such food products as raw parsley, spinach and also can be taken in supplement form.

One other important and effective way to avoid lower back muscle pain as much as possible is through the use of proper lifting techniques. Therefore, it is critical to know that when lifting heavy objects the back should not be used but kept straight and the lifting power is to be provided by the upper legs.

Finally, one other effective way of reducing or minimizing lower back muscle pain is by maintaining one’s proper weight. Often a weight gain that is not healthy in proportion to an individual’s age or height can put a dramatic amount of pressure on the individual’s lower back.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Lower Back Pain Cause

Lower Back Pain Cause Will Science Deliver In The Future What It Has Not Been Able To Until Now?

Experiencing back pain is something that almost all of us have experienced at least once in our lifetimes and doctors too avow that this is a condition for which a great many of their patients request suitable treatment. Lower back pain is not pleasant and in some instances it can totally immobilize anyone no matter how strong they physically are. The best bet as far as overcoming lower back pain is to identify and treat the main lower back pain cause.

Not Real Explanations

The sad truth in regard to identifying the exact lower back pain cause is that science has till date not been able to positively explain what really the main lower back pain cause is. In any case, lower back pain is known to affect your lumbar spinal area and when it occurs it causes a lot of pain and in addition it means having to incur a lot of expenses in getting the problem treated.

Without understands the lower back pain cause it would be hard to figure out the best treatment and this in turn means that disabilities on the job will lead to higher instances of absenteeism at work. However, a major lower back pain cause about which there is not much doubt is when a person has to carry an extra amount of weight which can cause strains and injuries to that region of the body. And, in addition a person that is overweight too will be more prone to suffering from lower back pain.

There are of course three main lower back pain causes that have been identified and which include improper mobility in the hip region; core stability that is poor and also the wrong technique of doing weight training.

In today’s society, we tend to do a lot of sitting and this in turn leads to the freezing up of our joints leading to immobility in vital areas of the body including the ankle which when it is rather immobile will cause the body to look for added mobility in the knees. This is not good for you because extra load on the knees affects the lumbar spine where the possibility of developing lower back pain is the greatest.

If your body does not have proper core stability your body’s foundation when it weakens will result in weakening of the muscles in the lower back and consequently makes you prone to developing lower back pain.

The wrong weight training techniques can cause you to injure different joints in your body and the lower back is an area that is most liable to suffer as a consequence.

Fortunately, there is more than one lower back pain remedy available that can at least alleviate some of the main, if not entirely eliminate the symptoms and the pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM is one such remedy that is worth taking a closer look at.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lower Left Back Pain Explained

It is unbelievable, hard to believe but nevertheless true that as many as a staggering eighty percent of Americans have experienced lower back pain in one form or another during their lifetimes. This kind of lower back pain cause can vary according to the location and other conditions and typically will be dull and are also noticed as blunt aches that in some instances can prove to be very excruciating as well as sharp enough to totally immobilize even an especially strong person. Though lower left back pain is not as common a lower back pain problem it can nevertheless prove to be a real problem.

Number Two Health Concern

It is unbelievable but lower back pain is the number two worst health problem affecting Americans and it only trails behind common flu and colds. Some people suffer from lower left back pain while others might suffer from lower right back pain though the treatment for either instance may differ only on account of location as well as intensity of pain.

You should suspect having lower left back pain if you have begun to feel acute or even blunt aches that typically affect your lumbar spinal area or which begin from your back and then travel to your buttocks and thighs. Lower left back pain can be treated in much the same way as any other form of lower back pain is treated though the symptoms of it will help decide which particular treatment option will work the best.

If you have developed problems with your kidney then the chances of experiencing lower left back pain will increase. The best treatment for lower left back pain is one that is especially conservative and when the problem is also associated with kidney ailments then it is necessary that treatment be different than what is recommended when treating pulled back muscles. There is grave risk in treating lower left back pain in the wrong way as that would further aggravate the condition and lead to further suffering.

It is best that you ask your doctor to follow the guidelines issued by the Medical Association in regard to providing you with treatment for lower left back pain. Without proper treatment, lower left back pain will cause a person to suffer more when they try to stand up as well as when they are lying down.

Understands the different lower back pain causes will help doctors recommend the most suitable treatment to alleviate the pain from such a condition and also make symptoms disappear. Often the cause might be nothing worse than strained or even inflamed muscles for which suitable treatment would be taking aspirin or other pain killers.


Lower Back Pain That Affects Millions Of Americans

Lower back pain affects a good many Americans and each year the numbers of such affected souls continue to rise. The most obvious reason why a person will suffer from lower back pain is that they have injured their lower back on account of performing some task such as lifting a heavy object or because they were involved in a serious accident that led to hurting their lower back. In a few instances, overexertion too has been known to cause lower back pain.

Consult A Doctor

In some cases, lower back pain is caused because the body decides (for no apparent reason) that it cannot continue working properly. Whenever a person experiences lower back pain it is recommended that they do not hesitate in consulting a medical professional, especially if you suspect that your condition is fibromyalgia syndrome or osteoporosis or menopause or even more worryingly, is arthritis.

The older a person gets the weaker their muscles and bones become leading to weakening of discs in the skeletal system and loss of flexibility as well as fluidity – all of which will make the body weaker in being able to recuperate from even the most minor kinds of pain. While lifting an object you might even accidentally cause muscular spasm which in turn can cause a disc to rupture and even cause a herniated disc.

The most common reason for lower back pain is compression as well as shifting of the nerves. And, just like a normal piece of machinery will over time wear out so too the body over time will begin to show signs of wear and tear and will then require proper maintenance to prevent ailments such as lower back pain. Being excessively overweight will put added stress and pressure on your back and this in turn means that chances of experiencing lower back pain are increased.

Bed rest is not the best solution in so far as treating lower back pain goes. Though bed rest can alleviate the condition it is also necessary that the affected person and body part is exercised (even in small doses) to ensure that the back does not stiffen up. Yoga in particular has been found to be useful in keeping the muscles in good condition.

Though it is not so common, yet many people suffer from lower left back pain. One of the reasons why this particular kind of lower back pain is felt is on account of a malfunctioning kidney.


Back Pain Takes A Long Time To Heal

Back pain is an affliction that affects many millions of Americans who are sure to have experienced this form of pain at least once in their lifetimes. In some cases the back pain that they suffer can turn out to be very severe or acute and the condition can become so bad that it prevents them from living a normal life. The end result of course has to see a doctor in order to manage the pain and get alleviation from the condition.

Codeine Tablets For Back Pain

In a majority of cases, it is possible to cure back pain by taking a codeine tablet though in reality the situation is a bit different. Though codeine effectively provides relief from the pain it only does this through interrupting pain signals that are sent to your brain from the affected area. The result is that patients do not feel the pain though the condition remains the same and the only difference is that because pain signals do not reach the brain the patient feels like they have been cured of their problem.

The silver lining to this clouded horizon is that eventually the back pain will recede and disappear on account of the body being able to readapt it to the changed situation. The back pain in the meantime will still be there and it can even worsen and what’s especially more worrying is the fact that there is not much that doctors will be able to do to cure the problem.

A chiropractor however can do something though they will suggest adjusting of the patient’s back so that the back when repositioned will heal faster. In this case, you stand a better chance of being rid of the back pain once and for all though the expense involved in paying for repeat visits to a chiropractor does make this option unaffordable and beyond the reach of most Americans.

A person that suffers from back pain needs to take a call as to what solution is best for their condition. After all they will know the condition of their back the best and will have to decide which option is affordable and also most effective. Even self-treatment can prove to be effective in curing back pain and is often a better solution to paying exorbitant chiropractor’s fees.

Lower back pain too is another common complaint among most Americans. The reasons for such pain are varied and include having hurt that particular region of the back either while performing some task or because of having met with a severe automobile accident. Even overexertion can cause this kind of pain.


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